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Roof Coating Benefits
Specialized Roof Coatings reduce capital expenditure, maintenance, and energy costs. High reflectivity and emissivity are enhanced through the use of reflective coatings, protecting your existing roof and extending its overall service life.

Just look at these outstanding features and how they can benefit your bottom line:

  • 1/3 the cost of replacement- Prevents further deterioration and the high cost of tear off and replacement
  • Monolithic- Seamless, 100% adhered; no seams, fasteners or adhesives to fail
  • Sustainable- Can be extended to last the life of the building
  • Lower surface temperatures- Reflect up to 90% of the sun's harmful UV radiation stabilizing roof movement, reducing roof stress
  • Maintenance expenditures- May be considered a maintenance expense deductible in the year completed
  • Energy rebates- May be earned through your local utility company when installing an energy efficient roof coating
  • Innovative polymer technology- Today's "fluid applied" systems are manufactured to ensure long-term performance
  • Warranted systems- Comprehensive protection ensures a trouble free system for the life of the project

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detailed analysis!

call/text: (216) 513-6722

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reputable family owned and operated roofer
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